by ffinadmin | Mar 6, 2014 | Blog
With less than a week to go before we open our new touring programme, it’s all systems go here at the FFIN machine as you can well imagine. So why you may well ask is the strap line for the show, Still Standing? As always with me, a number of reasons. Firstly...
by ffinadmin | Mar 3, 2014 | News
We open our new show – Still Standing – on March 11th 2014 at Nantgarw Campus, Coleg Y Cymoedd, Cardiff CF15 7QY The show starts at 7.30pm, the box office number for tickets 01443 663009 We will be performing: Fractal – Choreography 2013 by Sue...
by ffinadmin | Feb 19, 2014 | Blog
Well, what a week it has been. I have so far thoroughly enjoyed being back in the studio with the ffin family working on our new triple bill which premières at the Nantgarw Campus, Coleg y Cymoedd on the 11th March. Over the course of the last week, we have spent time...
by ffinadmin | Feb 17, 2014 | Blog
Well what a week it has been! It’s been so lovely to be back in the studio with the Ffin family. As Effie has mentioned in her blog, we have been rehearsing for our ‘Still Standing’ tour. It looks set to be a cracker! We began the week refreshing...
by ffinadmin | Mar 9, 2013 | Blog
And so after an incredible opening to our tour at Laban Theatre, London this week, we turn our thoughts to performances next week at Coleg Morgannwg in Nantgarw and Canolfan Ucheldre in Holyhead. The 2 extreme ends of Wales – one in Cardiff and the other on the...