by ffinadmin | Mar 3, 2014 | News
We open our new show – Still Standing – on March 11th 2014 at Nantgarw Campus, Coleg Y Cymoedd, Cardiff CF15 7QY The show starts at 7.30pm, the box office number for tickets 01443 663009 We will be performing: Fractal – Choreography 2013 by Sue...
by ffinadmin | Nov 5, 2013 | Blog, News
The past 3 weeks have been really astounding, the dancers have worked tirelessly from the wonderful Bach Suite in G Minor score and together we have created Fractal. The dance unfolds in a series of episodes – solos that sometimes morph into duets and a quartet....
by ffinadmin | Oct 26, 2013 | Blog
The piece is now complete and I’m thrilled with the result of the dancers’ exceptional hard work and dazzling creativity in the studio for the past 2 weeks. It has exceeded my expectations by a long measure. Following the delightful score by JS Bach, has...
by ffinadmin | Oct 22, 2013 | Blog
As I sit here happily munching on a slice of birthday cake (a Percy Pig one which is very nice) and a lovely cup of tea, courtsey of my FFIN family, I now feel that I can begin to reflect upon the last week of our current rehearsal period. This past week, we have been...
by ffinadmin | Oct 19, 2013 | Blog
One week has already passed and I’m thrilled with the work that we have achieved thus far in the studio. We’ve been working on solo episodes this week, in close connection with the sublime score by JS Bach, discovering dynamics and structure that aid with...