Packed House

Last Saturday was our 5th annual Winter Dance Faktry Festival held at our home base in The Met in Abertillery. 64 community dancers, 10 professional dancers, 2 photographers, 6 volunteers and 3 technicians brought together a showcase performance that ranged from...


As part of our continuing commitment to new dance in Wales, our education and outreach unit, the dance faktry, recently underwent a youth project with Taikabox. Our senior youth dancers, Abertillery Youth Dance Company, worked with Tanja Raman of Taixabox, to make a...

Back at Base Camp

What a week it’s been! After an amazing time at DanceLive 2012 in Aberdeen on Monday and Tuesday, we returned to a bitterly cold Wales, leaving behind a mild sunny Scotland.  As Aberdeen photographer Laura Mumby said we stole the sunshine, as it’s since...

Half Term Holiday Dance Club

Thanks to funding made possible by the Archbishop of Wales Children’s Fund, FFIN DANCE is able to provide free dance classes to local children aged 7+ Company dancers Adam Murphy and Megan Griffiths will work with the young people, teaching them class each day...