by ffinadmin | Sep 4, 2018 | Blog
Day 2 in the studio didn’t disappoint, more super work explored. The images above are from Julian’s notebook, jottings of the things that have come to mind with the task in hand. Today the dancers recapped on the tasks from yesterday, working on...
by ffinadmin | Nov 2, 2016 | News
The company is delighted to let you know that we are in the final stages of a business plan to Blaenau Gwent CBC to take over the stewardship of The Beaufort Theatre in Ebbw Vale as a community asset transfer from the Council. As the company is moving forward, we feel...
by ffinadmin | Apr 29, 2015 | News
We are pleased to announce news of a newly formed partnership with Ebbw Fawr Learning Community. Please follow our news page for future events and opportunities offered between FFIN DANCE and the learning community
by ffinadmin | Sep 20, 2013 | Blog, News
It’s been about 7 years since I last taught A Level Dance, and how I’ve missed it! I introduced the course into Ebbw Vale Senior Comprehensive School back in the 80’s where I was Head of the Dance Dept. It was a successful course back then and has...