by ffinadmin | Sep 4, 2018 | Blog
Day 2 in the studio didn’t disappoint, more super work explored. The images above are from Julian’s notebook, jottings of the things that have come to mind with the task in hand. Today the dancers recapped on the tasks from yesterday, working on...
by ffinadmin | Nov 6, 2014 | Blog
What an amazing and inspiring two weeks I’ve had in the studio with FFIN DANCE! I would like to thank Sue, Catrin, Effie and Natasha for making my experience such an enjoyable one, by making me feel welcome and part of the team. I feel privileged to have had the...
by ffinadmin | Oct 8, 2012 | Blog
Hello all, Its been a while since I have posted a blog here, this mainly due to needing to give my brain and body a rest in the evenings! It has been a very tough process so far both mentally and physically. As many of you will have read we have spent the last two...