by ffinadmin | Oct 28, 2014 | Blog
Tuesday was photo shoot day with Paul Trask in the Ffin Dance studios so there was an unusual amount of preening going on! Having helpfully been sent YouTube tutorials by Sue, we donned the smoky eye look and then set about creating some sleek up-dos with our hair....
by ffinadmin | Jan 15, 2013 | News
(1) Audition for youth dancers aged 11+. Please contact or text 07854 910926 for an application form
by ffinadmin | Nov 13, 2012 | News
Why not come to our professional classes this week? Company dancer Megan Griffiths will be teaching class as follows: Friday 16th November 2012 10 – 11.15am Saturday 17th November 2012 11.30 – 12.30pm Please contact or text 07854...